Two of my first major projects as a game artist turned out to be Mobile Games – both of which were 3D. What I’ve learned from that is, while seeming a more easy job to handle, 3D work for Mobile is actually more difficult, because you are very limited in your artisitc possibilities, be it in poly count, using various Texture Maps or techniques like PBR, and also enhancing your models with Post FX like SSAO, Depth of Field or even Anti-Aliasing. Most of that you simply cannot do, or at least not on every Model, due to the limited capabilites of Mobile Devices.

You have to come up with ways to bake as much detail as you possibly can in the Diffuse Texture and plan the use of Post FX very carefully. In these examples, the Diffuse/Albedo, Ambient Occlusion and Normal Map (split into EDT and EMB Cavity Maps) are baked into a single Diffuse texture. Thankfully, Mobile Devices are evolving rapidly, and we should be able to do a lot more on Mobile in just a few years.